Adaptive Sports

Adaptive Sports

We bring you adaptive sports to help improve the health and well-being of people with disabilities through inclusive sports. Our program helps participants build and maintain strength and function, improve emotional health, and develop lifelong friendships through engagement in sports. We offer children a place where they can explore their abilities.

At the Y, everyone belongs and everyone has the opportunity to participate regardless of the ability to pay. Our donors and staff work and generously give to ensure that EVERYONE gets to have a Y experience.  Please don’t hesitate to inquire about our financial assistance opportunities.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to:

Alivia Smock
Program Director
Phone: (814) 600-3580
Email: [email protected]

Adaptive Recreation

1/7/25 - 3/31/25

Adaptive Recreation

Free for all participants!!!

Our program is designed to help participants build and maintain strength and function, improve emotional health, and develop lifelong friendships through engaging in sports. Each week, we will introduce new games and activities, including obstacle courses and more, providing a fun and supportive environment for children to explore their abilities.

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
9/6/24 12/31/25 Online / Front Desk $ 0.00$ 0.00

Available Sessions

01/07/25 - 02/11/25
Tu - 5:30 pm - 45 mins
02/24/25 - 03/31/25
Tu - 5:30 pm - 45 mins